Your successfully made it past the HR screening. Now it's time to meet with the person who will ultimately decide if you're the right candidate for the job-the hiring manager
When going into in interview, it's important to know what questions to expect and how to approach them. Preparation is key, which is why, as a career coach, I provide mock interviews and guidance for those looking to successfully navigate these crucial career moments.
Below are five common questions asked by hiring manager and how to prepare for them.
1. Tell me about your experience at Company X:- In other words, how does your past experience relate to the job the hiring manager is looking to fill? When answering this question, you want to convince the hiring manger that you can hit the ground running and bring value to the learn by providing specific example that resulted in successful outcomes. It's also helpful to identify how your current and prospective employers differ. This will help you determine which skills to emphasise.
2. What is your biggest professional accomplishment to date:- This is your opportunity to provide an example that shows you can do the job. Think about the skill detailed in the job description and which of your accomplishment most directly relate. The goal is to convey to the hiring manager not only your past successes but also what you capable of accomplishing is offered the job.
3. What is your greatest weakness:- often dreaded by job candidates, they key to answering this question is to honest yet strategic. On my site, I go into more detail on new and effective ways to answer this question truthfully without taking yourself out of the running. You also need to address the unspoken follow up, which is the what you are doing to overcome your weakness. Ultimately, you want to show the hiring manager that you are self-aware, thoughtful and proactive about your strength and weakness.
4. How would people you have worked with describe you:- This question is centres on how well you work with others and your ability to manage relationship with your peers, manager and direct report. Give example of situations that illustrate how you work with reach out to your references at a later point to ensure your perception of yourself is in line with theirs.
5. Why are you the best person for this position:- In asking this question, the hiring manager is looking for you to succinctly convey what set you apart from the other candidates. Think of your most impressive and unique strengths that closely relate to the job description and use those to pitch yourself in a way that clearly illustrates the skill set and qualities you bring to the table.
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